О курсе

The course is taught in English. The classes will start in the beginning of November


How often is an anti-corruption agenda used for political reform? Does it really matter in terms of generating political will and how we can measure it? What kind of anti-corruption strategy should we define as a successful strategy? What indicators could we offer to describe anti-corruption capacities of states and separate entities? Is it possible to transfer good practices in this field from one country to another? Why does anti-corruption reform fail? Why gender focus matters? The focus of this course is on understanding the questions mentioned above in a comparative perspective.


The main purpose of the course is to form a complete understanding of approaches toward research on corruption and about certain tools to prevent and combat corruption in different countries


  • Алена Вандышева

    До марта 2022 года преподавала в НИУ ВШЭ – Санкт-Петербург (стаж 16 лет). Эксперт UNDP по гендерным аспектам антикоррупции. Тренер программы по антикоррупционному комплаенсу. Стажировалась по антикоррупционной тематике в Швеции, Исландии, США, Польше. Организатор, ведущая, спикер более 200 антикоррупционных мероприятий. Автор более 30 публикаций по проблемам устойчивого развития, хорошего управления, антикоррупционных стратегий, гражданского общества.


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