О курсе
This course explores the rich tapestry of American regional literature, focusing on how geography, culture, and history influence literary expression. Students will examine works from various regions, including the South, New England, the Midwest, the West, and the Great Plains, analyzing how authors capture the essence of their surroundings and refect regional identities.
The problematic central to this course lies in understanding the tensions between local identity and national narratives, as well as how regionalism both challenges and contributes to a unifed sense of American literature.
The course aims to delve into the ways in which regional literature captures the unique voices, traditions, and experiences of various American communities. By examining works from the South, the Midwest, the West, and New England, students will explore how regional settings infuence themes, character development, and narrative style. The course also considers how these regional texts interact with broader cultural and political movements, such as industrialization, migration, and the struggle for civil rights.
A key goal of the course is to foster an appreciation of the richness and diversity of American literature beyond the canon of widely recognized national authors. Students will critically engage with the concept of regionalism, analyzing how it serves both to celebrate local distinctiveness and to critique broader social and cultural issues. The course also seeks to challenge students to consider how regional literature informs our understanding of American identity as a whole.
Чему вы научитесь?
— Understand the concept of regionalism in American literature.
— Analyze the infuence of geography, culture, and history on literary works.
— Examine the themes, styles, and narrative techniques of regional writers.
— Compare and contrast the literary characteristics of different American regions.
— Develop critical thinking and analytical skills through close reading and discussion.
B2 English level (as defned by CEFR scale)
Нелли Шульман
Нелли Шульман работает над диссертацией по сравнительной литературе в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме. Она опубликовала более двадцати статей и является членом Ассоциации Славянских, Восточноевропейских и Евразийских Исследований (США) и Международного Общества Достоевского. Ее проза на английском языке опубликована во многих англоязычных журналах.
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